Seabrook Manufacturing Intelligence: Dashboards

Dashboarding and Shopfloor Displays

The Dashboard is a valuable tool for all customers, regulated or not, to maintain insight regarding the state of a MES DataStore component. This tool provides a “single pane of glass” approach to configuring and reporting on the health of the DataStore, and records a history of all actions.

Drop the dashboard into your solution and you will experience a validated interface to start, stop, and reconfigure the DataStore without having to resort to a command-line interface or natively issuing commands against the database.

This solution simplifies and streamlines the management of the DataStore feature, and creates the ability to view the status of the DataStore (including the length of queues and other key DataStore statuses) in a familiar interface. Now you can confidently say “my reporting database is up to date.”




Major Benefits of the Dashboard:

  • Control the configuration of DataStore without direct database access
  • Manage your DataStore in a regulated environment through this browser-based solution that is “Validation Ready”
  • Monitor Critical Conditions for situations such as out-of-sequence errors so they may be resolved before impacting production
  • Configure range limits and warning thresholds
  • Provide email notifications (through Notification Services) of potential issues detected based on configured thresholds